Violin Making in Scotland 1750-1950: Festival Exhibition Handbook

Edited by Emily Peppers

The Festival Exhibition Handbook Violin Making in Scotland 1750-1950 was published in conjunction with a special exhibition of Scottish-made violins and cellos representing the cream of Scottish instrument making in the age of the enlightenment and subsequently. The Handbook includes an introduction to violin making in Scotland by Emily Peppers, an essay on the violin making traditions of Scotland by David Rattray, and gives concise descriptions of over 50 Scottish-made instruments. Included are fine violins made by Matthew Hardie of Edinburgh (The "Scottish Stradivari"), Joseph Ruddiman of Aberdeen, and others, showing the development of the "Scottish school" of lutherie. The Exhibition was held in conjunction with the publication of the book Violin Making in Scotland 1750-1950 by David Rattray, published by the British Violin Making Association.

Violin Making in Scotland 1750-1950: Festival Exhibition Handbook, edited by Emily Peppers
Published by Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments
August 2006. 32 pages, illustrations.
ISBN 978 0 907635 56 7

Price: 4.00 pounds sterling, packing and postage extra: 0.50 pounds to addresses in the United Kingdom, 1.00 pounds overseas surface postage.

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booklet cover

violin by Sandy, top
Violin (c 1800) by James Sandy of Alyth, Perthshire (b 1766, d 1819) with original neck (EUCHMI 2005).
violin by Sandy, head
Violin (c 1800) by James Sandy of Alyth, Perthshire (b 1766, d 1819) with original neck (EUCHMI 2005).

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